Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sabbatical Part I

This past week has been so great! The elders at our church were gracious and gave each staff person a two week sabbatical. Mine began on Monday and goes until Friday the 20th. It has been such a great time and I am so thankful for it. This week I was able to relax, and get some stuff done around the house, read, and prepare for a Emily's baby shower. Above is a cake I made out of diapers. :) It was so fun! The shower was today and it went very well.

Jeff has also been working a lot these past couple weeks, so it has been a little interesting! By the time he gets home he is ready to relax and I'm ready to go do something. :) Well, that's it for now!

1 comment:

Melissa Stephenson said...

I love your cake!!! So creative1 Miss you guys and love you.