Monday, June 23, 2008

Back From Downunder

Kendall returned back to the United States on Sunday morning. We were able to spend a few hours with her while she had a layover in LA. It was a pretty eventful day because one of her suitcases was left in Brisbane, then she didn't get to say goodbye to most of her friends, then a couple other things happened. However, we got to meet her sweet friend Jenna and take them to In-N-Out for lunch. They were excited to have a good hamburger!

My mom also went over there a few weeks ago to visit, and I thought I would share with you a picture from a chocolate shop they went to.

As for Jeff and me...I went back to work this morning after an amazing two week sabbatical where I was able to read, be creative, lay in the sun and spend time with friends. It was such a blessing. Jeff is still in the middle of his shutdown and will hopefully be slowing down within the next couple weeks.

Monday, June 16, 2008

More Baby Shower

Here are a few more pictures from the baby shower. It was the first chance I was able to use my drink dispenser that I got for Christmas. I thought it looked so cute! I also made some of the famous sugar cookies. I'm bringing the business down to California. I even had somebody ask me if i would make them and sell them. :)

This is Emily and Donna. I work with Donna and Emily is obviously the one that I had the shower for. She is due in 7 weeks! YAY! There are so many babies coming in August.

Now I will continue my second week of sabbatical. I am going on a retreat tomorrow-wednesday. It should be really fun. I'm going to be sad when it's over, but also excited to start my new job at the church!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sabbatical Part I

This past week has been so great! The elders at our church were gracious and gave each staff person a two week sabbatical. Mine began on Monday and goes until Friday the 20th. It has been such a great time and I am so thankful for it. This week I was able to relax, and get some stuff done around the house, read, and prepare for a Emily's baby shower. Above is a cake I made out of diapers. :) It was so fun! The shower was today and it went very well.

Jeff has also been working a lot these past couple weeks, so it has been a little interesting! By the time he gets home he is ready to relax and I'm ready to go do something. :) Well, that's it for now!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memorial Day

This Memorial Day we went over to the Scott's house and Jeff helped build a 1/4 pipe with the boys, while the girls hung out inside, snacked, and played games. The boys have been really into skateboarding lately, so they they decided what better than to have a skate ramp in their own driveway. Here is the finished product with all of the boys and men!