Thursday, January 20, 2011

Introducing Raegan Maureen Braun...

A little over two weeks ago Raegan decided to make her appearance. I had been having contractions off and on mostly at night for a couple days. I woke up on Wednesday morning and it seemed like my water had broken so I called my sister in law Julie and explained the situation and she suggested we go into the hospital. The funny thing was that Jeff had had Monday and Tuesday off so this was his first day back at work since before New Years. He had been at work for about a half hour when I called and told him it was time to go to the hospital. He headed home while I took a shower and got everything ready for the hospital.

We got there and checked in around 8:15 and by 8:45 we were admitted. We called both of our moms and they were on their way! I was dilated to a 3 and my contractions were 3-5 minutes apart. I decided to wait a little while to have my epidural because I wanted to be able to walk around and didn't know how long the labor would take. I didn't want to be stuck in bed all day! At about 1:15 I decided it was time for the epidural and that was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I wasn't making much progress, which was a little frustrating so I thought we may be in for a long day. My mom flew in and arrived at 2:30. Jeff's mom arrived around 3:30. At 4:00 I got checked again and was fully dilated and ready to go!

Raegan arrived at 5:02pm, weighing 7lbs and was 20" long. She made one little peep when she came out but was very calm after that through all the things the nurse had to do to her.

She has been such a joy so far and we are so thankful she is here! :)

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